
Soluciones ECM

Solutiones ECM is a company dealing in different business activities like mining, cement, quarries…

FIX'N GO®* is easy and quick to install. Its installation does not affect the belt, rollers, or pulleys. This product reduces considerably the risk of belt opening, sticking to some parts of the conveyor, and breaking the belt. Using FIX'N GO®* helps my customer to be less worried and I have more time to do other repairs.

Juan Carlos Castillo - Service coordinator
How would you reduce belt wear and tear risks?

Customer issue

The belt had different issues: old splicing could damage rollers, belt cleaners, and pulleys. There were also issues with belt openings.

MLT answer

FIX'N GO®* is easy and quick to install. Its installation does not affect the belt, rollers, or pulleys. This product reduces considerably the risk of belt opening, sticking to some parts of the conveyor, and breaking the belt.

Technical specifications

  • Belt type: EP100/3 5+2
  • Belt length: 30m
  • Belt width: 800mm
  • Product: basalt
*Registered trademark, all rights reserved
conveyor belt saved
Star product



The unique solution to repair, easily and provide a quick solution for your conveyor belts. FIX’N GO®* is an innovative and quick solution to repair rips or damages on conveyor belts. 


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MLT Minet Lacing Technology SAS
ZI du Clos Marquet, 15 Rue Michel Rondet
CS 70059, 42400 Saint-Chamond, France

+33 4 77 22 19 19

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