Stelytec factory in France

History and values

More than 70 years of innovation at your service.

MLT is a French manufacturer whose core business is the splicing of conveyor belts, the manufacture of technical belts, and equipment for conveyors (Belgium).

History of MLT Group

Description G

MLT group has 3 manufacturing plants located in France, and 1 manufacturing plant located in Belgium. Our industrial means allow quality and flexible production, for deliveries in the best delays. The major dates of MLT :

 1945 : 3 coal mines engineers, M. Notin, Leflon, and Plagnol, came to the same conclusion: “There is no optimal way to repair conveyor belts”

  1947: Creation of Minet company in Saint-Etienne (Loire - France), which manufactures hinge fasteners

  1993: Mr. Jakob, with the Aser structure, buys Minet and its patents and grants exclusive licenses to Minet

1994: Appearance of the first flexible splice, the SUPER-SCREW®*

  1999: Opening of the American subsidiary MLT North America

  2001: Minet registers the second version of the SUPER-SCREW®* patents and acquires Valfor in Spain which becomes MLT Spain

  2004: MLT takes over Goro France, a company specializing in the manufacturing of metallic fasteners

   2008: Opening of the subsidiary in Australia under the name MLT Belt Fasteners

  2014: MLT Minet Lacing Technology has the will to develop internationally and its turnover increased from 11 million € in 2011 to 13 million € in 2014

  2015: MLT Belt Fasteners in Australia comes under the full control of MLT Group and becomes MLT Asia Pacific

Description D

   2017: Opening of a new subsidiary in Germany      Mr. Jakob sells the company to Frédéric Guillemet and Patrick Vericel who buy MLT in its entirety

   2018: Opening of MLT Peru

   2019: Opening of MLT South Africa

   2020: Opening of MLT Morocco

  2021: Signature of a partnership agreement for North America with Flexco

  2021: Opening of the 3rd production plant and logistics center in France & Company purchase of TechnicGum Polymers

   2022: MLT increases sales from €25 to €30 million despite the crisis

  2024: Launch of the new Super-Screw®* 2024 generation (washers immerged in rubber and screws fully integrated, several rubber thicknesses available, safety indicator, etc.)
Launch of the new multi-blade mining scraper: Racloflex Z2 Ultra HD
Opening of MLT Dubai
Launch of corporate project: 100% customer satisfaction




*Registered trademark, all rights reserved
Recruitment of personnel

Our values

  • The pleasure of creating something together
  • Honesty and integrity
  • Curiosity & an open mind
  • Respect for commitments and decisions made
  • Trust and transparency
Do you have
a specific

MLT Minet Lacing Technology SAS
ZI du Clos Marquet, 15 Rue Michel Rondet
CS 70059, 42400 Saint-Chamond, France

+33 4 77 22 19 19

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