Browse the MLT Group tools catalog, featuring a variety of carefully selected tools to meet all your needs in conveyor belt maintenance and repair, cold bonding, and hot vulcanization.
Our tooling range includes various options, from practical storage with our dedicated vulcanizer bags and cases to a comprehensive selection of safety and personal protective equipment (PPE). Our vulcanizer toolkit features a range of carefully selected, ready-to-use tools.

You'll find a wide range of precise measuring tools such as odometers, durometers, and thermometers, essential for accurate, reliable results.
For easy positioning and clamping of belts, we offer a selection of robust winches, hoists, and clamps.
Our marking, cutting, and finishing tools ensure professional results at every stage of the process. In addition, our tooling range includes surface preparation, measurement, and polishing equipment for flawless results.
Browse our catalog now and discover our innovative products to optimize your conveyor belt maintenance operations.
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MLT Minet Lacing Technology SAS
ZI du Clos Marquet, 15 Rue Michel Rondet
CS 70059, 42400
Saint-Chamond, France