Legal notices
The www.mltgroup-conveyor.com website is owned by the company : MLT Minet Lacing Technology
Siret : 564 503 027 00026
ZI du Clos Marquet, 15 Rue Michel Rondet
CS 70059, 42400 Saint-Chamond, France
Phone : +33 4 77 22 19 19
Director of publication and editor : Aline Decque
Photos : Aline Decque
The website www.mltgroup-conveyor.com is published by Mayflower.
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The website www.mltgroup-conveyor.com is hosted by Datacenter SFR located Rue Georges Marrane 69200 Vénissieux - France.
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While every effort is made to regularly update the information on this website, MLT Minet Lacing Technology is not responsible for any changes in the legal, jurisprudential or administrative provisions that may occur after the publication and updating of the website.
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Points obtained | Targets set for indicators that did not achieve maximum score | |
1. Pay gap (in %) | 27/40 |
Give women and men access to the same jobs, with equal skills and levels of responsibility Maintain the reduction in the gender gap for blue-collar workers Continue efforts to reduce the gap in the engineering/management SSC |
2. Differences in individual increases (in % points or equivalent number of employees) | 35/35 | |
3. Percentage of employees receiving a raise after returning from maternity leave (in %) | 15/15 | |
4. Number of employees of the underrepresented gender in the 10 highest earners | 0/10 |
Two more women in the top 20 over the year |
Total calculable indicators | 77 | |
Index (out of 100 points) | 77 |
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