

The company Bébéfer supplies and installs rubber belts and bucket elevator belts. The company is also specialized in the vulcanization of rubber, Linatex, Rema tip top as well as polyurethane protection Metaline, wear parts for belt conveyors such as rollers, carbide scrapers, conveyor pulleys...


When we had a rip, we were doing an insert. This intervention allocated 2 people for 4 hours. In most of the cases, technicians had to remove one bucket to decrease the output of the bucket elevator.


Pierrick Clouet - Managing Director
How would you quickly fix a belt?

Customer issue


When we had a rip, we were doing an insert. This intervention allocated 2 people for 4 hours. In most of cases, technicians had to remove one bucket to decrease the output of the bucket elevator.

MLT answer

Fix'N Go®* patches are installed on a bucket elevator. By using Fix'N Go®*, Bébéfer has noticed several changes but more especially: a faster installation, a better resistance with screws regarding belt tension.
Moreover, Fix'N Go®* allows you to keep all the buckets and it lasts the lifetime of the belt.

Technical specifications

  • Belt type: EP630/3 3+1
  • Belt length: 80m
  • Belt width: 3,000 mm
  • Product: wooden chips
*Registered trademark, all rights reserved
Star product



The unique solution to repair, easily and provide a quick solution for your conveyor belts. FIX’N GO®* is an innovative and quick solution to repair rips or damages on conveyor belts. 


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MLT Minet Lacing Technology SAS
ZI du Clos Marquet, 15 Rue Michel Rondet
CS 70059, 42400 Saint-Chamond, France

+33 4 77 22 19 19

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