

The company Bébéfer supplies and installs rubber conveyor belts and bucket lift straps. The company is specialized in rubber vulcanization, polyurethane protection, etc.


FIX'N GO®* is installed on mobile crushers. The owner of these crushers recycles concrete waste with steel bars mixed in.

Pierrick Clouet - Managing Director
How would you fix quickly a belt?

Customer issue


Cold-glued patches did not last longer than 6 months, which was due to both the product itself and the belt cleaners.


MLT answer

Once FIX'N GO®*  is installed, you can proceed with the installation immediately, there is no curing time.
The resistance of FIX'N GO®* is very satisfactory for both waste and metal and for scrapers. The service life is the same as that of the belt.

Technical data

  • Belt type: EP630/3 6+2 AA
  • Belt length: 21m
  • Belt width: 1.200mm
  • Product: Concrete waste
*Registered trademark, all rights reserved
conveyor belt saved
Star product



The unique solution to repair, easily and provide a quick solution for your conveyor belts. FIX’N GO®* is an innovative and quick solution to repair rips or damages on conveyor belts. 


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MLT Minet Lacing Technology SAS
ZI du Clos Marquet, 15 Rue Michel Rondet
CS 70059, 42400 Saint-Chamond, France

+33 4 77 22 19 19

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