MLT Surface mines


Société Nouvelle Des Phosphates du Togo


in the 2000s, Togo recorded, as on a global scale, a vertiginous drop in phosphate production and the crisis in the industry prompted the government to create a new phosphate company called Société Nouvelle Des Phosphates du Togo. SNPTaims to bring back Togo to its place in the production of phosphate on the international market.



MLT solution allowed us to reduce service time, splicing crew, cost is lower and we do not use any chemicals, toxic for our employees.


Messan Koudosson - Maintenance Superintendent
How could you reduce downtimes?

Customer issue



Conveyor downtime was 16 hours with the previous way of splicing. On top of that, we needed 8 people to splice the belt.

MLT answer

SUPER-SCREW®* Original allows to reduce considerably conveyor downtime (5 hours) and people allocated to splicing (5 persons).

Technical specifications

  • Belt type: Ferroflex 2000 N/mm
  • Belt length: 2,200m
  • Width: 1,610mm
  • Product: sterile phosphate
*Registered trademark, all rights reserved
hours of conveyor downtime saved
Star product

SUPER‑SCREW®* Original


MLT is the inventor of the world’s first flexible screw splice, created in 1994: the SUPER-SCREW®* Original. Since then, this endless system has proven its worth all over the world by offering a simple and quick installation in any situation.

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MLT Minet Lacing Technology SAS
ZI du Clos Marquet, 15 Rue Michel Rondet
CS 70059, 42400 Saint-Chamond, France

+33 4 77 22 19 19

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