

Scantogo is a subsidiary of Scancem International, member of HeidelbergCement Group. This plant produces clinker. Production started in November 2014 and its capacity is 1.5 millions tons per year.
The Scantogo plant is intended to supply sister companies in Benin, Togo, Ghana and Burkina Faso, which all belong to HeidelbergCement Group, with clinker for production of cement."



Further to the SUPER-SCREW®* installation, I noticed that i need less people to do the splice. We can even do it whatever the weather conditions.

Gnagniko Amevi Jean Paul - Mechanical engineer
How could you splice quickly with few tools?

Customer issue



We had a total of 18 people to change the belt and it was obviously too high. Downtime was between 36 to 48 hours.

MLT answer

By installing a SUPER-SCREW®* Original, our downtime is now 4 hours and we need only 4 people. Tooling is light and installation quick, whatever weather conditions.

Technical specifications:

  • Belt type: EP1250/4 AA
  • Belt length: 320m
  • Belt width: 2,400mm
  • Product: lime, argile, clay, laterite, sand, clinker
*Registered trademark, all rights reserved
less people needed to install the junction
Star product

SUPER‑SCREW®* Original


MLT is the inventor of the world’s first flexible screw splice, created in 1994: the SUPER-SCREW®* Original. Since then, this endless system has proven its worth all over the world by offering a simple and quick installation in any situation.

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MLT Minet Lacing Technology SAS
ZI du Clos Marquet, 15 Rue Michel Rondet
CS 70059, 42400 Saint-Chamond, France

+33 4 77 22 19 19

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