
Reproad AG

REPROAD is a major player in the preparation and sanitation of surfaces. The ever-increasing pressure of deadlines does not affect the quality of REPROAD's services. Our high quality service determines the smooth running of the work. To meet these challenges, REPROAD has a fleet of modern and innovative technology machines. Our teams are individually trained and constantly kept up-to-date of latest developments in technology and applications.


By changing our way of splicing, we have significantly increased our belt lifetime from 7 days to 21 months. Conveyor downtime has also been reduced from 6 hours to 2 hours


Eric Martin - Workshop Manager
How would you improve your belt lifetime?

Customer issue



The previous way of splicing was not optimal, belt lifetime was 7 days. Consequently, it increases conveyor dowtime and obviously production.

MLT answer

By installing a MLT ISC® chevron belt, belt lifetime has increased from 7 days to 21 months and it has therefore considerably reduced conveyor downtimes.

Technical specifications

  • Belt type: EP400/3
  • Belt length: 7 500m
  • Belt width: 650mm
  • Product: road asphalt
hours of conveyor downtime reduction
Star product




The ISC™ is an innovative lacing solution. It is the most unique on the conveyor belt fastener market. It allows a belt to be endless, by simply screwing each end without extra thickness. Installation in 20 minutes.


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MLT bande ISC®
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a specific

MLT Minet Lacing Technology SAS
ZI du Clos Marquet, 15 Rue Michel Rondet
CS 70059, 42400 Saint-Chamond, France

+33 4 77 22 19 19

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