

Mecavulca is a vulcanization and boiler making company that opened in 2019 and is growing rapidly. The company's versatility allows it to master all the techniques of its activity.


We previously had major problems related to the very dusty environment and strong difficulties of access, the ISC® answered our various problems.

Cédric Kien - Director
How do you improve the life of the belt in a highly challenging environment?

Customer issue



The different issues that MLT had to address were to improve the life of the belt (6 to 8 months), to reduce the downtime of the conveyor (8 hours). Previously, Mecavulca had major problems related to the very dusty environment and strong difficulties of access, the ISC® answered our various problems.

MLT answer

The ISC® has improved the life of the belt to over 2 years. The downtime has also been improved from 8 hours to 2 hours. Previously, they had splicing problems due to the dusty environment, ISC® limits this problem and therefore improves the life of the belt compared to cold gluing.

Technical data

  • Types of belts installed : 400/3 4+2 & 500/3 6+2 vit. 1.2 m/s anti-heat
  • Length of the belt : 55 m / 25 m / 10 m
  • Width: 550 mm / 600 mm / 1 000 mm / 1 200 mm
  • Conveyed product : Foundry sand
hours of conveyor downtime reduction
Star product




The ISC™ is an innovative lacing solution. It is the most unique on the conveyor belt fastener market. It allows a belt to be endless, by simply screwing each end without extra thickness. Installation in 20 minutes.


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MLT bande ISC®
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MLT Minet Lacing Technology SAS
ZI du Clos Marquet, 15 Rue Michel Rondet
CS 70059, 42400 Saint-Chamond, France

+33 4 77 22 19 19

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