
Chaineries Limousines

Chaîneries Limousines is located in Bellac, in the heart of the Haute-Vienne, and manufactures high quality steel chains. The production is 100% French, employees are qualified and experienced, the factory has a surface area of 12,500m². The company is constantly developing and innovating.


We chose MLT products for the quality of the material, short manufacturing times and competitive prices.


M. Touzeau - Purchasing Manager

Customer issue

Long production times and poor quality belts.

MLT answer

Technical specifications

  • Type of installed belt : sandblasting belt, 3 plies, no cleat, no guide
  • Belt specifications : drilling Ø 10 mm with a 40 x 40 pitch offset by half. 120 mm raceway
  • Length : 3160 mm
  • Width : 1385 / 15 mm
  • Product in contact : steel shot, steel chain
conveyor belt saved
Star product

Sandblasting - Tumblasting Belts



Sandblasting / tumblasting belts are used in shotblasting machines.
Used in forges, medical sector for prothesis, springs, fish hooks, knives and to clean foundry pieces after furnace unload.


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MLT Minet Lacing Technology SAS
ZI du Clos Marquet, 15 Rue Michel Rondet
CS 70059, 42400 Saint-Chamond, France

+33 4 77 22 19 19

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